Individual vs Corporate action in the fight against climate change

Hollie Parry argues that there is an unjust amount of blame put onto individuals in the fight against climate change while the responsible corporations come away largely unscathed. As the Climate Clock in Times Square counts us down to a tipping point of irreversible change, many agree that more needs to be done to combat…

Shrouded in Haze: The U.S. West Coast Wildfire Rampage

Nathan Yang looks at the ongoing extreme wildfire season in multiple states on the West Coast United States. These record setting fires come as a result of intense weather events throughout the region, heatwaves, and other external causes which all stem from the human impact on global climate change. Over the past weeks, the view…

We Need To Talk About Food

Helene Schulze’s plea to spark a conversation about food is the first of a series which aims to tackle the complex food system, and shed light on some of the problems and potential solutions to make the way we eat more sustainable, from production to consumption.  Globally, more than one in three adults over 20 is overweight (EASO, 2013) whilst…